Reality weavers and digital dreamers.

DiaryZapp – UK App Awards

Calm on the Farm

DiaryZapp is helping kids during lockdown

Matmi Educate & Warwickshire Fire

G’day mate, another award!

The Big Reveal… Gridwordz

Lucia’s World App

Matmi launches new divisions

Table Foosball Update

Bringing the Magic back

Games for Good

Matmi and the Master Maze Maker.

Our Latest AR App, Heritage Hunter Hits the App Store!

Matmi’s Big Mouth: Is RFID Good or Bad?

Matmi Family Photoshoot Outtakes!

Why Matmi Is MORE Than A Digital Agency

Double Trouble: Rollabear Christmas

Smiler AR Points

Introducing ‘Festive Frenzy’!

Rest in Privacy

Upcycle, Recycle, and Reskin!

Matmi Gets Steamy…

Matmi’s Showreel for Creative England


Guess the Celebribears

Watch The Smiler In Action!

The Smiler Big Chip Awards!

When Jeff Did the Festival of Games

6 Basic Benefits Of Game-Based Learning

PocketWarwick Runner up

Monster Pinball HD for Windows Phone

Vimto Digital Campaign: A look back

Gamification Employee Engagement

Try these AR Triggers with The Smiler App!

The Smiler The Game arrives!

It is almost here! – The Smiler app.

Fancy a Makeover?

Warwick Davis: My Favourite Game

A look back at Lily Allen Game

What’s the difference between Gamification and Games?

Matmi works its magic for Alton Towers!

Matmi’s 5 United Airlines Games

2012: A Matmi Odyssey

Matmi visit Microsoft

Monster Pinball has been HD’d!

Matmi join the Creative England Board

Biggest little celebrity on the planet…

Warwick Davis in your pocket!

Motivating Customer Engagement

San Francisco!

Gamification within TV and the Media

Gamification in Education

Tough week, fairytale ending at the DADIs

Philip’s toothbrushes go for the Cosmic Clean!

Jeff hits the speaker circuit

From dental health to ironing boards

Why awards are like buses

Onlive: friend or foe?

The Year of Awards rolls on…

Jeff’s “Better Business”

“Knead for Speed” tops the charts!

Do you have a “Knead for Speed”?

The discerning DADIs

Inaugural MoMoMcr gets a flash of Matmi

Cannes Lions & the Webbys

Nokia triggers monster app sale!

How Do you do?

From monsters to make-up in style

Matmi on Unity Games List

Introducing Jeff Coghlan

Back to School

“10 years older”

100,000 pledges for Santa’s take-off?!

Plastic fantastic

Thank you – but why now?

Gorillaz games go up for a gong

Jeff’s funnies on BBC Radio Manchester

Iron Maiden’s awesome return

Gorillaz game hits the #1 spot

In tense Gorillaz suspense

Summer Newsletter 2010

Cancer Research take 2

Red Bull Racing

Brilliantly Viral

Make A Save for Asda!

Advergames and You

Matmi Gets Road Rage!

Lily’s Most Performed Song

Gorillaz game crosses the divides

Sprucing Up The Office

Ten Pin Crazy Golfing

Xmas Pressie from Design Week

Accept No Substitutes!

Elf Bounces onto the iPhone

I’m A Celebrity

Ho Ho Ho Yellow Snow Deluxe

Monster Pinball

Vimto’s High Dive

Running across the roof for Cancer Research

Matmi Magic on the iPhone / iPod

ITV’s The Colour of Money


Fighting Fones and Red Noses

The Colour of Matmi

Lily Allen Game

Sowing the Seeds of Change

John Prescott to Hollywood

Sport Relief for couch potatoes

We did it for the second year running!

Awards and Hangovers

Moving Matmi

Let the donations flow

The Matmi blog is now open!

Reality weavers and digital dreamers.

DiaryZapp – UK App Awards

Calm on the Farm

DiaryZapp is helping kids during lockdown

Matmi Educate & Warwickshire Fire

G’day mate, another award!

The Big Reveal… Gridwordz

Lucia’s World App

Matmi launches new divisions

Table Foosball Update

Bringing the Magic back

Games for Good

Matmi and the Master Maze Maker.

Our Latest AR App, Heritage Hunter Hits the App Store!

Matmi’s Big Mouth: Is RFID Good or Bad?

Matmi Family Photoshoot Outtakes!

Why Matmi Is MORE Than A Digital Agency

Double Trouble: Rollabear Christmas

Smiler AR Points

Introducing ‘Festive Frenzy’!

Rest in Privacy

Upcycle, Recycle, and Reskin!

Matmi Gets Steamy…

Matmi’s Showreel for Creative England


Guess the Celebribears

Watch The Smiler In Action!

The Smiler Big Chip Awards!

When Jeff Did the Festival of Games

6 Basic Benefits Of Game-Based Learning

PocketWarwick Runner up

Monster Pinball HD for Windows Phone

Vimto Digital Campaign: A look back

Gamification Employee Engagement

Try these AR Triggers with The Smiler App!

The Smiler The Game arrives!

It is almost here! – The Smiler app.

Fancy a Makeover?

Warwick Davis: My Favourite Game

A look back at Lily Allen Game

What’s the difference between Gamification and Games?

Matmi works its magic for Alton Towers!

Matmi’s 5 United Airlines Games

2012: A Matmi Odyssey

Matmi visit Microsoft

Monster Pinball has been HD’d!

Matmi join the Creative England Board

Biggest little celebrity on the planet…

Warwick Davis in your pocket!

Motivating Customer Engagement

San Francisco!

Gamification within TV and the Media

Gamification in Education

Tough week, fairytale ending at the DADIs

Philip’s toothbrushes go for the Cosmic Clean!

Jeff hits the speaker circuit

From dental health to ironing boards

Why awards are like buses

Onlive: friend or foe?

The Year of Awards rolls on…

Jeff’s “Better Business”

“Knead for Speed” tops the charts!

Do you have a “Knead for Speed”?

The discerning DADIs

Inaugural MoMoMcr gets a flash of Matmi

Cannes Lions & the Webbys

Nokia triggers monster app sale!

How Do you do?

From monsters to make-up in style

Matmi on Unity Games List

Introducing Jeff Coghlan

Back to School

“10 years older”

100,000 pledges for Santa’s take-off?!

Plastic fantastic

Thank you – but why now?

Gorillaz games go up for a gong

Jeff’s funnies on BBC Radio Manchester

Iron Maiden’s awesome return

Gorillaz game hits the #1 spot

In tense Gorillaz suspense

Summer Newsletter 2010

Cancer Research take 2

Red Bull Racing

Brilliantly Viral

Make A Save for Asda!

Advergames and You

Matmi Gets Road Rage!

Lily’s Most Performed Song

Gorillaz game crosses the divides

Sprucing Up The Office

Ten Pin Crazy Golfing

Xmas Pressie from Design Week

Accept No Substitutes!

Elf Bounces onto the iPhone

I’m A Celebrity

Ho Ho Ho Yellow Snow Deluxe

Monster Pinball

Vimto’s High Dive

Running across the roof for Cancer Research

Matmi Magic on the iPhone / iPod

ITV’s The Colour of Money


Fighting Fones and Red Noses

The Colour of Matmi

Lily Allen Game

Sowing the Seeds of Change

John Prescott to Hollywood

Sport Relief for couch potatoes

We did it for the second year running!

Awards and Hangovers

Moving Matmi

Let the donations flow