Tough week, fairytale ending at the DADIs

Matmi’s had an interesting experience this week and, in my opinion, we’re better off for it.

We got knocked back at three award presentations this week – and maybe we deserved it for getting a bit too big for our boots. 10 years in, most successful year yet, some great new clients and releases, nominations at The Webbys and Cannes Lions on our 1st attempts, blah blah.


Had we started to believe our own publicity? Every marketing/PR person will tell you that’s a very dangerous thing, so I’m glad we were pulled up short.


It made winning Digital Agency of the Year at the DADI Awards last night very special indeed (yes, 4 award ceremonies in a week is a new one on us too). And to see Optathlon (United Airlines) pick up another win in the DADI’s Travel category was a fantastic pat-on-the-back for the team.


When Richard Draycott (MC’ing at the time) described the winner being in a ‘humble location” my heart started beating a little faster, and when he said “specialists in branded entertainment” it started to pound so that by the time I heard him say “And the winner is ….. Matmi!” I thought the whole audience would be able to see my heart about to leave my chest. The adrenalin rush kicked in and by the time I returned to Table 24, I was shaking like a leaf!


A Monstrous Thank You


Guys, girls, everyone who voted for us, a monstrous thank you from the stunned and amazed Matmians of Macclesfield (that previously unknown centre of the universe). Thank you to Table 24 (LBi, BJL & The Drum) for your great company – let’s do it again soon, please. And thank you to everyone at The Drum and the judges of the DADI Awards for your obvious passion for digital marketing, and all the hard work that made last night’s awards ceremony the resounding hit that it was.


From a few over-awed Matmians, I can safely say it’s been a tough week with a fairytale ending 🙂 which our CEO, Jeff Coghlan, should have been there to see in person, but duty called 🙁 .


I hope we can live up to our voters’ expectations in Matmi’s second decade, should we work hard enough and be fortunate enough to be writing blogs (or whatever the 2021 incarnation is) by then.


From a very excited team of Matmians, enjoy. Penny


PS. A few quick messages: Ian & Bobby @ Lost Boys – enjoy LBK (Life Before Kids) while you can & all the best for next Spring’s arrivals. Richard – thank you for the name checks (which I’m sure I didn’t deserve) and when I’ve finished the first book, I’ll make you read it 🙂 . James – JFDI and so will I. Lines ends, over & out.


November 2011