Moving Matmi
Well its the first time I have written on our blog even though its been up fo over a month. I was planning to write on here quite often, but at the moment were just in the middle of planning an office move, which is taking up all of our spare time.
Yep thats right, we have a new office. After numerous years at the Adelphi Mill in little wee Bollington, we have out grown our little home and we are moving to some fantastic new premises.
We are moving into the town Macclesfield in the heart of Cheshire, right in the centre, located in a lovely old courtyard. I have never moved premises before, so I’m fairly nervous about it. The builders were meant to start last week but they have now delayed their arrival and have informed we that it will be tomorrow. Are all builders the same? Do they ever start on time?
Anyway we have decided that once we move that we are going to make a fresh start. We are investing in a new computer network, new furniture, a new phone system and some more staff. Talking of staff, if there are any flash programmers out there looking for work, please get in touch.
We are even going to have a virtual receptionist! More on that another day. The move should happen within the next month I hope.
We were originally planning to move the Manchester thinking that it would look better for potential clients to see that we were based in a City, so we would be taken more seriously. The problem was finding the right property in Manchester. We soon realised that it was going to be too difficult to make such a move and that it did not really matter where we are based. The only thing that really matters is how good our work is and we think its pretty special.
Are we the only serious viral games company in the North? It seems that way, let me know if I am wrong. The only problem with being up North is that an increasing amount of our clients are based in the South, especially London. London now seems to be my home at least once a month. I don’t think I could live there full time, its a bit too manic and expensive for me.
Do those in the South truly still think ‘its grim up North’?
Anyway enough of the waffle. I will let you all know when our move is complete. Wish us luck.
April 2007